
Our flow sensor technology helps dry bulk material handlers improve operational efficiency, increase worker safety, and collect accurate, real-time data. The CADARO ROI Calculator lets you calculate the potential ROI of our flow sensors, including a five-year cumulative projection.

loading data

Choose a CADARO Flowsensor

Find Your Flowsensor Model


High End Operating Range (lbs/min)

Bushels Handled Annually
Bushels Handled Annually can not be 0.
Sensor Model
Low Operating
High Operating
Pipe Size
(diameter round/square)*
Configuration Flow Sensor
(L x W x H)
Flow Sensor
800 2,000 6" OD Round 32 1⁄8" x 13" x 11 5⁄8" 67
800 2,000 6" OD Round 32 1⁄8" x 13" x 11 5⁄8" 67
1,750 5,000 9 3⁄4" x 9 3⁄4" ID Square 30 3⁄8" x 16 1⁄4" x 15" 135
1,750 5,000 9 3⁄4" x 9 3⁄4" ID Square 30 3⁄8" x 16 1⁄4" x 15" 200
5,000 20,000 17 3⁄4" x 17 3⁄4" ID Square 36 1⁄2" x 23 5⁄8" x 24 3⁄4" 210
5,000 20,000 17 3⁄4" x 17 3⁄4" ID Square 36 1⁄2" x 23 5⁄8" x 24 3⁄4" 275
17,500 50,000 29 3⁄4" x 29 3⁄4" ID Square 36 1⁄2" x 37" x 35 5⁄8" 375
17,500 50,000 29 3⁄4" x 29 3⁄4" ID Square 36 1⁄2" x 37" x 35 5⁄8" 425
200 600 4" & 6" ID Round 18 1⁄2" x 11" (4")
22" x 11" (6")
25 (4")
28 (6")
800 2,000 6" ID Round 22 1⁄4" x 15" 50
1,600 4,000 8" & 10" ID Round 23" x 17" (8")
26" x 17" (10")
60 (8")
65 (10")
2,000 5,000 10" ID Round 26" x 21" 75

Tell Us About Your Operation

Average values have been automatically entered into the fields below. You can leave them as is, or enter your own.

Trucking Costs

CADARO flow sensors capture real-time flow rate and total weight measurement with typical accuracy within +/-1%, reducing truck cycling. Calculate trucking costs by indicating your hourly cost, reload time in minutes, bushels per load, and % of the time that trucks need to dump or add more product to hit target weight.

Trucking Costs
Reload Time
Bushels Per Load
Truck Cycling
Labor Costs

CADARO's automation-ready tools can reduce traditional labor requirements for systems or processes which are currently manually operated. Examples include in-person visual truck loading, manual operation of gates, etc. Calculate potential labor savings by including assumed hours per day which could be saved by automating various tasks.

Labor Hours Saved
Operational Days Per Week
Please enter a number between 0 and 7
Operational Weeks Per Year
Please enter a number between 0 and 52
Employee Costs
Safety Incident Costs

CADARO's automation-ready tools can help reduce the number of safety incidents in your operation, by enabling remote operation of traditional tasks from a control room, office or other safe environments. Indicate your average number of safety incidents per year and the approximate cost per incident below.

Number of Incidents Per Year
Average Cost Per Incident
Additional Revenue & Cost Savings

CADARO's technology helps optimize operating efficiency which could include additional handling capacity/ through put. If applicable, what % might this be for your operation and what is a typical margin/ bu for material handled?

Increase to Annual Bushels Handled
Avg Margin / Bu


Include any additional potential annual cost savings such as fees, fines, etc which may not be captured above.

Additional Annual Cost Savings

See Your Results

Click the button below to see a 5 year projection of your potential ROI.